Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Most unbelievable thing in my life

               The most unbelievable event in my life would have to be my trip to Mexico with my family freshman year of high school.  I had no idea I was going with them until I was told last minute that I was going and had to pack my stuff up.  The plane ride was long and very boring but when we got there it was truly incredible.  Our hotel had three pools, a beach, hot tubs, and arcades.  During this trip we did many fun activities such as fishing, shopping, hiking, and many more.  During the middle of week was when the most incredible thing I have ever done happened.  We started out the day with a hike up the side of a mountain and along the ocean for a couple miles.  While on this hike we were walking vertical up a mountainside and had to walk along treacherous paths and keep our footing or we could fall down the side of the mountain.  This hike was truly exhilarating and brought a good adrenaline rush to me.  After this long and exhausting hike we took a break on a private beach and had food brought to us.  When we were done resting we were told that we had to swim out into the ocean and catch a ride with a boat to a private island not far away.  When we got there we were greeted by a few men who had brought a bunch of donkeys with them.  I was a little confused at first but realized we had to ride them up the next mountain to a waterfall.  The only problem was I had never ridden a donkey and it was a pretty steep slope.  I figured I’d give it a shot and jumped on the donkey and made my way up the mountain.  When we reached the top we got to jump in an ice cold natural flowing waterfall which was truly breath-taking.  When we got out of the water we realized the donkeys had been taken back down the mountain and our guide instructed us that we would have to jump off the cliff into the ocean to get down.  I was really afraid to do this but then I mustered up the courage and leaped off the cliff into the water.  It was a really far drop and was truly the most exhilarating thing I have ever done.  When the boat came to pick us up the most unbelievable thing happened.  Once we were all on the boat a huge whale came up to the side and we were able to lean over and touch the side of it.  Also on our way back to the beach we saw a shark along a shallow reef nearby so close it could have hit our boat.  This trip was truly the most unbelievable thing I have ever experienced and I doubt I will ever forget it.

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