Friday, March 15, 2013


My favorite sport to play is basketball.  During the week whenever I don’t have work my friends and I always go to the PAL in Hockessin and we play basketball for a few hours.  I have liked playing basketball ever since I was little when my dad taught me how to.  My dad would always come outside with me and show me how to shoot the ball and how to dribble.  Ever since then basketball has been my favorite sport.  A few years ago I even play basketball for St. Mary’s, and even though I only played for one season it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of how to play basketball.  A few months ago I had to put a stop to playing basketball for a while since I tore my mcl.  When I did this I was driving to the net and my foot slid out from underneath me and gave out.  Although this was probably the most painful thing that has ever happened to me the fact I couldn’t play basketball is what really killed me.  Just recently I got back to basketball for the first time since my injury.  I had to use crutches for a while and I still have to wear my brace when doing anything strenuous.  Although it is quite painful to play still I am really happy that I can start playing again.  I will have to work my way back into sports because the last thing I want to do is reinjure my knee and have to wait even longer to play again.  I am now running outside when I have the chance and spending as much time excercising as I can so I can strengthen my knee back to its full health.  Hopefully one day soon I will be back to normal and I can play sports like I used to.


This summer is going to be my last summer until I am in college and I plan on enjoying it.  Only a few more months until the senior class graduates and we all move on our own ways.  In some ways this is sad but in others it is exciting.  Although I may not see some of my friends ever again I will make plenty of new friends and I know I will enjoy college.  So far this summer I only some of things I am doing but I know in a month or two I will have plenty of more things on my list.  During January my family goes to ocean city Maryland for the week at the beach.  I look forward to this everywhere since we stay at a hotel directly over the boardwalk and we get to go on the beach for an entire week.  We have a lot of fun while we are down there by doing a bunch of activities.  One of my favorite things we do is going jet-sking.  Every year we rent jet-skis and go out into the bay and fly drive around as fast as we can and get sent flying off the jet-skis when we hit waves.  Another fun thing we do at the beach is go laser-tagging.  Every year we head over to the laser-storm place and we spend an hour or two playing each other and other people who are there.  Besides the activities we do I just like spending the whole day laying on the beach.  When the sun starts to go down my cousin and I get our skim-boards and we go out and skim the water close to the beach.  I can’t wait for this summer to come because this year has truly been exhausting and I could use a vacation.

College Acceptance/Reason for Major

I was recently accepted to the University of Delaware.  This was my first choice so I was very happy when I figured out I had finally been accepted.  Not only did I apply to the University of Delaware, but I also applied for the engineering program.  When I received my acceptance letter along with it came my acceptance into their environmental engineering program as well. I have always been interested in the environment and preserving it.  I personally love to be outdoors and doing things outside as opposed to sitting inside and watching television or playing games. Since I was little I have always loved to go fishing.  Fishing is one of my favorite hobbies and I love to do it during the summer.  There is a pond directly next to my dad’s house and I walk there whenever I have free time in the summer so I can fish.  In the pond I have caught bass, catfish, and turtles.  Every single time I catch a fish it is always an exciting experience and the thrill of the surprise is what really keeps me fishing.  Last summer I had spent an entire sitting around the pond and hadn’t caught one fish.  But right when I was getting ready to leave I had a huge bite on the line and when I began to reel it in I realized that it was a catfish.  This was the first catfish I had ever caught and I was really surprised when I pulled it out of the water.  Fishing is not only a fun pastime but it is also a good way to relax.  Whenever I was in a bad mood or I was mad I would go fishing and it would help me calm down.  Something about sitting around a pond on a nice summer day just waiting for a bite is tranquil.  Fishing will always be one of my favorite things to do and will always be a good way for me to get away from everything.