Friday, March 15, 2013


My favorite sport to play is basketball.  During the week whenever I don’t have work my friends and I always go to the PAL in Hockessin and we play basketball for a few hours.  I have liked playing basketball ever since I was little when my dad taught me how to.  My dad would always come outside with me and show me how to shoot the ball and how to dribble.  Ever since then basketball has been my favorite sport.  A few years ago I even play basketball for St. Mary’s, and even though I only played for one season it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of how to play basketball.  A few months ago I had to put a stop to playing basketball for a while since I tore my mcl.  When I did this I was driving to the net and my foot slid out from underneath me and gave out.  Although this was probably the most painful thing that has ever happened to me the fact I couldn’t play basketball is what really killed me.  Just recently I got back to basketball for the first time since my injury.  I had to use crutches for a while and I still have to wear my brace when doing anything strenuous.  Although it is quite painful to play still I am really happy that I can start playing again.  I will have to work my way back into sports because the last thing I want to do is reinjure my knee and have to wait even longer to play again.  I am now running outside when I have the chance and spending as much time excercising as I can so I can strengthen my knee back to its full health.  Hopefully one day soon I will be back to normal and I can play sports like I used to.

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