Friday, March 15, 2013


This summer is going to be my last summer until I am in college and I plan on enjoying it.  Only a few more months until the senior class graduates and we all move on our own ways.  In some ways this is sad but in others it is exciting.  Although I may not see some of my friends ever again I will make plenty of new friends and I know I will enjoy college.  So far this summer I only some of things I am doing but I know in a month or two I will have plenty of more things on my list.  During January my family goes to ocean city Maryland for the week at the beach.  I look forward to this everywhere since we stay at a hotel directly over the boardwalk and we get to go on the beach for an entire week.  We have a lot of fun while we are down there by doing a bunch of activities.  One of my favorite things we do is going jet-sking.  Every year we rent jet-skis and go out into the bay and fly drive around as fast as we can and get sent flying off the jet-skis when we hit waves.  Another fun thing we do at the beach is go laser-tagging.  Every year we head over to the laser-storm place and we spend an hour or two playing each other and other people who are there.  Besides the activities we do I just like spending the whole day laying on the beach.  When the sun starts to go down my cousin and I get our skim-boards and we go out and skim the water close to the beach.  I can’t wait for this summer to come because this year has truly been exhausting and I could use a vacation.

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